Well, that’s it. Ferryman is
out there. Available to buy, be read and
then... reviewed.
I have become an internet junkie (even more than before) and have
discovered some cool new tricky things to do on Google search. And I’ve Googled myself WAY more than is
I can’t help it. I’m
It’s like: I spent months and
months writing Ferryman, then an AGE getting an agent and a published. Then hours and hours (and hours) editing it;
then MONTHS waiting for it to come out.
It’s all come down to this, and there’s one, terrifying question to be
Will anybody like it?
So I just can’t stop review hunting.
I check Goodreads like five times a day.
Did you know you can Google yourself then just ask for results in the
last 24 hrs... the last hour? You
can. I do it. EVERY DAY.
But what’s totally AWESOME is how positive all the reviews I’ve had
so far have been. It’s like a shot of
happy juice right into my veins every time I read something nice and
complimentary. Awesome awesome awesome
(that’s one of my favourite words by the way) happy juice J
No wonder I’m addicted!
Claire x